Oh yea. I have a holo finally !! Oke, I had it some while already but the weather was bad and I didn't want to wear it on cloudy days. And today the sun was so bright I really felt on using it!!
Koh metallic green nr 127 |
So it's from Koh named Metallic Green nr 127. As far as I know Koh has 2 holographic colors, and so far those were the only I could find in the dutch stores at the moment. I chose metallic green of the two, the other was metallic silver 133 if I remember it right. It covers quite well with 1 layer already, but to make a full coverage you definitely need two. Only when I was adding my second layer I stroke a part of the first away, maybe because I didn't let it dry fully (it felt dry but you never know)
Anyway, It looks great in the sun, and I'm really in love with it, I think it was a bit expensive (altough I just payed half of it :P) it was so worth the money, now I have to wait to see how long it holds. (not adding a top coat.)