But well, my mom brought me 3 colors. Bordeaux, Violet and Midnight. Midnight is a really dark blue indo color.
I like the bottle's it really visible that these are Crackles, and my mom said it looked really attractive and colorful in the store. They cost €2,- each, and there is 5ml in one bottle. It's not really much but enough to have a lot of fun with.
I started with one pink base (my all time Miss Sporty pink) And did a quite tick layer of violet. That doesn't work >.< And because I wanted to try all colors I did a white base on all my nails (wild&more :white). Than I added one small layer of each.
As you can see the midnight crackles really well, they give a big crackle and the ground color is quite well visible, the red is really nice to, I love the color it has I'm really excited to try a lot out with that one!.
The purple crackles not that good as the other two, but maybe when I try a full many it can come out better.
From this I choose the blue to do a full many with.
Like I already said, the formula is quite thick, this makes it get a bit stripy when you put it on, this disappears after adding a top coat. And all colors tent to have some color difference, I don't really know what it is, but especially in the violet were two colors of violet on one nail. I think it really has to do on how thick the layer on your nail is.
On the last photo I added a topcoat. Now it gets shiny also the blue seams to get a little more midnight. The strange thing was.. I did the many yesterday, and added the topcoat today (about 18 ours difference) but the tip of my top coat brush turned a bit blue. But it didn't smear on the nail.
So the Plus about this polish/brand
+B.pretty had quite a choice of color, I have the midnight, violet and Bordeaux but there is also black, white, yellow and a sea blue.
+ The colors are really nice.
+ I love the big crackle they give!
+ You don't need much
The bad things
- They take quite a while to crackle
- They don't crackle at all if you ad to much
- strange color difference on the nail.
- they tent to stain if you as other polish (like top coat) over.
Overall I think the plus is better than the minus, And I love them :P if I get close to Austria I'm going to look for a BIPA To get the other blue and yellow to :D